Brief and interesting addresses were also made by Hon. Geo. S. HiLLARD (Class of 1832), James Russell Lowell (Class of 1841), Hon. Richard H. Dana, Jr., and by other gentlemen.
The Committee on the Constitution, through their Chairman, Mr. Dana, made their report.
The Constitution as adopted is hereinafter recited.
Upon the adoption of the Constitution, a committee on permanent organization, composed of Messrs. Russell, Lowell, Thomas, Cuf- FORD, and Bates, were appointed. The report of the committee was accepted, and the following members were selected as the oflficers of the Association for the first term : —
President, Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, Massachusetts.
Vice-Presidents, " Charles Bradley, Rhode Island. " Wm. M. Evarts, New York.
- A. S. Magrath, South Carolina.
" George Hoadley, Ohio. " Ogden Hoffman, California. Recording Secretary, John Lathrop, Esq., Boston. Corresponding Secretary, C. C. Read, " "
Treasurer, Wm. L Bowditch, " "
Executive Committee, Hon. Richard H. Dana, Jr. " George S. Hillard. Henry W. Muzzey, Esq. Frank Goodwin, " John F. SMrrn, "
The following resolution was unanimously adopted : —
Resolved, That the members of the Association are earnestly rec- ommended to form auxiliary local clubs in the States and principal cities of the Union, to assist in promoting the objects set forth in the preamble to the Constitution.
On motion, the meeting then adjourned.
Gentlemen who have been connected with the Law School, either as professors or students, are invited to subscribe their names to the fol- lowing, the Constitution.
The past and present members of the Dane Law School of Harvard University unite to form "The Harvard Law Association," having in view, among others, the following objects: To maintain and advance the character of the Dane Law School, — to promote its general wel- fare, to revive the pleasing memories of common legal studies, to secure the highest moral and intellectual standards for the legal profes- sion, and to purify it from sectional and all other narrowing influences ; also by cultivating a mutual respect and an agreeable social intercourse among its members, to become the medium of a sound public sentiment upon matters outside of the strict limits of professional duty, and to create and strengthen those relations which ought to subsist between educated men whose position gives them influence over the life and
thought of the country.