RECE NT CAS ES — Continued. Pack Inheritance tax' 214 Interstate commerce ; Anti-Trust Act 352 Equal protection of laws 431 Evidence 61 Presumption of innocence 215 Privileges and immunities of citizens 432 Right to jury trial in territories; ex post facto vit 215 Sidewalk ordinance 353. Taxation 505 Foreign held mortgages 62 Patents 353 Special assessments 432 Unreasonable searches and seizures 505 See also Criminal Law. Contracts. Anticipatory breach 62 Assignment of wages 139 Assumption of mortgage debt 139 Beneficiary 567 Compromise; consideration 354 Conditions ; satisfaction of promisor 506 Consideration 506 Valueless in part 432 Damages ; restraint in transmission of telegram 432 Executors and devisees 354 Failure of consideration 567 Guarantee; death of guarantor 215 Restraint of trade . 139 Trust Act of 1890 215 SherifiTs bond ; lynching 215 Statute of Frauds ; constructive trusts 506 Performance within a year 280 Stranger to the consideration 62 Void conditions 432 Corporations. Bankruptcy ; distribution of assets 567 Contracts 506 Criminal law ; contempt of court 507 Federal jurisdiction 355 Railroad mortgages ; foreclosure 216 Ultra vires contracts ; judgments 567 Covenants. See Property. Criminal Law. Arrest of misdemeanants ~. . . . 216 Arson 433 Assault with intent to rape 216 Attempt to rape ; presumption of incapacity 280 Comments on defendant's failure to testify 568 Compound ng a misdemeanor 140 Constitutional law ; absence of judge from jury room during trial .... 433 Constructive grand larceny 281 Corporations ; contempt of court 507 Doctrine of estoppel 62 Embezzlement; jurisdiction ... 507