RECENT CASES. Pagb Admiralty. Jurisdiction ; personal injuries 430 Adverse Possession, See Property. Agency. Corporations ; contracts 506 Hiring out servants 137 Insurance policies ; waiver of conditions 503 Master and servant ; torts 431 Parties to a promissory note 137 Respondeat Superior 137 Unauthorized contract ; ratification 279 Bankruptcy. Discharge ; action by foreign corporation 434 Effect of National Act upon State insolvency laws 351 Voluntary assignments voidable by trustee 503 See also Corporations. Bills and Notes. Alteration ; estoppel by negligence 60 Payment 566 Assignment ; indorsement 60 Checks; notice to drawee 213 Refusal of payment 60 Conditional delivery 60 Forged check ; payment by drawee bank 566 Forged indorsements 352 Fraud by drawer ; payee's liability to drawee 503 Infancy of maker 566 Overdue paper 138 Transfer ; notice 213, 352 Uncertainty in amount 214 Boundaries. See Property. Carriers. Liability for assault by employ^ 504 Location of station ; jurisdiction 280 Right to discriminate against hackmen 280 Stamp Act ; regulation of charges 504 Throwing packages from moving trains 431 Wrong ticket ; ejection 61 Conflict of Laws. Marriage on high seas 280 Married women ; change of domicile 138 Non-resident ; garnishment 214 Constitutional Law, Anti-trust Act 352 Citizenship i^g Corporations; statute validating «//ra wrw contract 214 Criminal liability; acts done under an unconstitutional statute 352 Delegation of taxing power 138 Eminent domain ; additional servitude 138 Just compensation m e Lease 50s Ex post facto vK% 2A Foreign criminals; habeas corpus C67 Fourteenth Amendment ; eight hour laws 61 State regulation of freight rates 1^9 Impairment of contracts ; jurisdiction of Federal courts . 43