HARVARD LAW REVIEW, BOOKS RECEIVED. Entry under this head does not preclude further notice of a book in this or in a later number of the Review. ' A Preliminary Treatise on Evi- dence AT THE Common Law. By James Bradley Thayer. Boston : Little, Brown, & Co. 1898. Building and Loan Associations. By Wm. W. Thornton and Frank H. Blackledge. Albany, N. Y. : Matthew Bender, 1898. General Digest. Quarterly advance sheets. Rochester, N. Y. : Lawyers' Co- operative Publishing Co. Oct. 1898. Manslaughter, Christian Science, AND the Law. By William H. Pur- rington. New York: The Publishers' Printing Co. 1898. Report of the Colorado Bar Asso- ciation. Denver, Col. : The Smith- Brook's Printing Co. 1898. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By William D. Guthrie. Bos- ton : Little, Brown. & Co., 1898. The Land Registration Act of Massachusetts. By Charles S. Racke- mann. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co. i8g8.