Tilden Trust, The Failure of the. jfames Barr Ames v. 389 Tort, Waiver of. William A. Keener vi. 223, 269 Tortious Acts, Responsibility for: Its History. John H. Wigmore . vii. 315, 383, 441 Tort-Relations, A General Analysis of. John H. Wigmore viii. 377 Torts, The Tripartite Division of. John H. Wigtnore viii. 200 Trade-Marks, On Certain Cases Analogous to. Grafton Dulaney Cushing . iv. 321 Trees, Sales of Standing. Edmund H. Bennett viii. 367 Trial by Jury in England, The Growth of. J. E. R. Stephens x. 150 Trial of Crime in France, The. Thomas Barclay x. 46 Trust Property, Right to Follow. Samuel Williston ii. 28
- Trusts." K y. Stimson i- 132
Trusts, The Present Legal Status of. ^. C. T. Dodd vii. 1 57 Unification of Law, National. F. J. Stimson . vii. 92 Unfair Competition. Oliver R. Mitchell x, 275 Uses, The Origin of. F. W. Maitland .' viii. 127 Voluntary Assignments and Insolvency in Massachusetts. Prescott F. Hall . viii. 265 Volenti non fit injuria in Actions of Negligence. Charles Warren .... viii. 457 Watuppa Pond Cases. S. D. Warren, Jr. 2ind L. D. Brandeis "• ^95 Weavers' Fhie Bill, The. H. H. Darling vi. 85 "Why is a Master Liable for the Tort of his Servant ? Frank W. Hackett . . vii. 107 Witnesses, The Privilege of, in Federal Courts. Louis M. Greeley .... v. 24 Woinan in Early Roman Law. John Andrew Cotich viii. 39