The indictment in this case was as follows : — " That Daniel M. Robertson of New Bedford in the county of Bristol, at New Bedford in the county of Bristol, on the ninth day of September in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three, in and upon one Mary Robertson, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought an assault did make, and with a certain weapon, to wit, a knife, which the said Daniel M. Robertson then and there held, her, the said Mary Robertson, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought did strike, cut, stab, and thrust in and upon the head of her, the said Mary Robert- son, giving to her, the said Mary Robertson, by the striking, cutting, stabbing, and thrusting in and upon the head of her, the said Mary Robertson, one mortal wound, of which said mortal wound the said Mary Robertson then and there died. "And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath and affirmation aforesaid, do say that the said Daniel M. Robertson the said Mary Robertson, in manner and form aforesaid, then and there feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder, against the peace of said Commonwealth, and contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided." Prior to Com. v. Robertson the form in use was substantially like the following: — "That William Coy of Westfield aforesaid, on the thirtieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety- one at Washington aforesaid in the county of Berkshire aforesaid, with force and arms in and upon one John Whalen feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did make an assault, and that he the said William Coy then and there with a certain axe which he the said William Coy in his hands then and there had and held, him the said John Whalen in and upon the head of him the said John Whalen, on the left side of the head of him the said John Whalen in front of the ear, and near to the left ear of his the said John Whalen's said head then and there feloniously, wil- fully, and of his malice aforethought did strike, giving unto him the said John Whelan then and there at Washington aforesaid in the county of Berkshire aforesaid, with the axe aforesaid, by the stroke aforesaid, in the manner aforesaid, in and upon the head of him the said John Whalen on the left side of his said head and in front of and near the left ear of his the said John Whalen's said head, one mortal wound of the length of four inches, of the breadth of one inch, and of the depth of one half inch, of which said mortal wound the said John Whalen then and there instantly died ; and so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say and present that the said William Coy him the said John Whalen in manner and form aforesaid then and there at Washington aforesaid, feloniously,