Sonets and Histories, to sundrie new Tunes.
approcheth very nie:
Without he gaine, to ease his paine,
which loued thee hartely.
¶Then shall th[e]y say that see the same,
where euer that they goe:
And wish for ay, as for thy pay,
all Nestors yeares to know:
And I no lesse then all the rest,
should wish thee health for aye:
Because thou hast heard my request,
and saued me from decay.
A faithfull vow of two constant Louers
To the new Rogero.
Hall distance part our loue,
or daily choice of chaunge?
Or sprites below, or Gods aboue,
haue power to make vs straunge:
¶No nothing here on earth,
that kinde hath made or wrought,
Shall force me to forget,
goodwill so dearely bought,
¶And for any part I vow,
to serue for terme of life:
Which promise may compare with her,
which was Vlisses wife.
¶Which vow if I doo breake,
let vengeance on me fall,
Eche plague that on the earth may raigne,
I aske not one, but all.
¶Though time may breede suspect,
to fill your hart with toyes;
And absence may a mischefe breede,
to let your wished ioyes: