Sonets and Histories, to sundrie new Tunes.
Or presently I die perforce:
God grant pitie,
Within your breast now planted be.
¶As nature hath you deckt,
with worthie gifts aboue the rest,
So to your praise most great,
Let pitie dwell within your brest,
That I may saie with heart and wil,
Lo, this is she that might me kil:
For why? in hand she held the knife,
And yet (forsooth) she saued my life.
Hey-ho, darling:
With lustie loue, now let vs sing,
Plaie on, Minstrel,
My Ladie is mine onelie girle.
The Historie of Diana and Acteon.
To the Quarter Braules.
Iana and her darlings deare,
Walkt once as you shall heare:
Through woods and waters cleare,
themselues to play:
The leaues were gay and green,
And pleasant to be seen:
They went the trees between,
in coole aray,
So long, that at the last they found a place,
of waters full cleare:
So pure and faire a Bath neuer was
found many a yeare.
There shee went faire and gent,
Her to sport, as was her wonted sort:
In such desirous sort:
Thus goeth the report:
Diana dainteously began her selfe therein to bathe
And her body for to laue,
So curious and braue.