Otachamond, 25-5-14. Service Unpaid To The Secretary to the Text book Committee, 4, Herley’s Road, Kilpauk, Madras. W. Signature of the sender Wire to Maddox Secretary to Examination ad College, Nungabaccum, Your wire. I find from my note book 9047 not received. Letter follows. (Sd) Appa Rao Letter Sir, I received your wire of the 23rd instant asking me information about the candidate No 9047, Venkatasubbayya of Christian College, Madras. I left the answer books in Madras and brought here only the note book into which numbers of answer books have been most carefully entered. No. 20476 not there. It is not at all likely that I should have overlooked in an answer book. If you wish (...) then (...) here, but the fright on the Nilgiri Railway will be very high. Please write instructions. I have the honour to be sir, Yours most obedient servant, 1178 Correspondence