Can I endure the pangs of fruitless flame
For thee."
He tried to speak, bue auger choked
His breath, and, muttering something, "Die than slip
From right." He moved to walk away; but she
Caught Sarang by his cloak, which he, in haste
To fly, left in her grasp, and through the park
Over flower and plant like whirlwind passed and climbed
The garden wall and jumped down. And there
With sweep majestic flowed Godavary's streem.
He stood a moment on its bank, while rolled
Within his brain, like to a horrid dream,
The events late. A moment cast a crazy look
Upon the stream below, and, as if it were
Oblivion's flood, dashed in to the river and reached
The other shore.
Part - 2
The noon was far advanced; the monarch left The tents, and sought where freshening to the eye The forest trees a shady bower made. Wearied with morning's mirth, all nature sank to rest And not the slightest stir was there, save where The streamlet gurgled over the distant slope, And butterflies, like the spirits of the wood, among The foliage moved. And there he laid him down Upon the grass, and wearied with the chase Soon sunk to sleep and dreamt. "It was moonlight