Thee now upon a different theme, that must.
If thou art the rock that mocks the iron's edge-
Go home directly to the heart." This then,
She said, removing a screen that careful hung
Upon a drawing drawn to human size,
"This than the text on which was vileness played-
Vileness and grim perfidy by a king-
One, not less worthy than thy sire,"
He started back, like one that meets at night-
some frightful shape, while from his lips escaped,
"Undone ! Undone !" The image over the wall
To echo seemed Speechless he stood, and not
The motion least his form betrayed, as if
The picture walked out of its frame, So like
Were they; for it was his. And knowest thou prince"
She said, "the story of this piece which striges thee dumb
Wich such a perfect beauty that, except
Within thy glass, I trow, you never met ?
At least I didn't; and so when first my eyes
Lighted upon this drawing, which thy sire
Sent as the bridegroom's and falsely sent-
My very heart did weep for joy, and took
The image in. Since then the vision sweet
Haunted my thoughts, till last brought to this Court.
Whom did I meet within the bridal room ?
Oh ! Vilely done-they sire ! and at his sight
Failed joy from me for ever. They say thou art
A man of tender heart; now make amends
For sins thy sire has done, or else no more