the same author wrote Tesbubat " Answers" to several questions asked by Rabbi Shsol ha-Cohen on topics discussed in the Moreh (Venice, 1754).
Abraham Abulajia wrote "Sodot ha-moreh," or Sitre-torah, a kabbalistic Commentary on the Moreh. He gives the expreaaion, [hebrew] (Paradise), for the number (177) of the chapters of the Moreh. MS. Nat. Bibi. 226, 3. Leipsic Libr. 232,4. MS. Bodl. 2360, contains a portion of Part III.
Buchner A. Ha-march li-zedakab (Warsaw, 1838). Commentary on "The Reasons of the Laws," March III. xxix.--xlix. The Commentary is preceded by an account of the life of Maimonides.
Comtino, Mordecai b. Eliezer, wrote a shart commentary on the Moreh (Dr. Ginsburg's collection of MSS. No. 1o). Narboni, who "spread light on dark passages in the Guide," is frequently quoted. Reference is also made to his own commentary on Ibn Ezra's Yesod--mara.
Creacas (Aaher b. Abraham), expresses in the Preface to his Commentary the conviction that he could not always comprehend the right sense of the words of Maimonides, for "there is no searching to his underatanding." He nevertheless thinks that his, explanations will help "the young" to study the Moreh with profit. A long poem in praise of Maimonides and his work precedes the Preface. His notes are short and clear, and in spite of his great respect of Maimonides, he now and then criticises and corrects him.
David Yailya is named by Joseph Del Medigo (Miktab-abaz ed. A. Geiger, Berlin, 1840; p. 18, and note 76), as having written a Commentary on the Moreh.
David ben Yebudab Leon Rabbins wrote 'En ba-kore, MS. Bodl. 1263. He quotes in his Commentary among others 'Arama's 'Akedar yizhak. The Preface is written by Immanuel ben Raphael Ibn Meir, after the death of the author.
Efadi is the name of the Commentary written by Isaac ben Moses, who during the persecution of 1391 had passed as Christian under the name of Profiat Doran. He returned to Judaism, and wrote against Christianity the famous satire " Al tehee kaaboteka" ("Be not like your Fathers"), which misled Christizns to cite it as written in favour of Christianity. It is addressed to the apostate En Bonet Bon Giorno. The same author also wrote a grammatical work, Ma' aseb-efod. The name Efod (Hebrew), is explained as composed of the initials Amar Profiat Duran. His Commentary consists of short notes, esplanatory of the text. The brginning of this Commentary is contained in an Arabic translation in MS. Bodl. 2422, 16.
Epbraim Al-Naqavab in Sba'or Kebad ba-sbem (MS. BodI. 939,2 and 1258,2), answers some questions addressed to him concerning the Moreh. He quotes Hiadai's Or adonai.
Furstentbal, R., translator and commentator of the Mahzor, added a Biur, short explanatory notes, to his German translation of Part I. of the Morch (Krotoschin, 1839).
Gerahan, Mareb-derek, Commentary on Part 1. of the Moreh (MS. BodI. 1265).
Hillel b. Samuel b. Elazar of Verona explained the Introduction to Part II, (the 25 Propos.). S. H. Halberstam edited this Commentary together with Tagmute ha-nefemh of the same author, for the Society Mekize-nirdamim (Lyck, 1874).
Joseph ben Aba-mart b. Josepb, of Caspi (Argentiere), wrote three Commentaries on the Moreh. The first is contained in a Munich MS. (No. 263); and seems to have been recast by the author, and divided into two separate Commentaries: 'Ammude Kesef, and Maskiyot Keatf The former was to contain plain and ordinary explanation, whilst profound and mysterious matter was reserved for the second (Steinschn. Cat.). In II., chap. xlviii., Caspi finds fault with Maimonides that he dues not place the book of Job among the highest class of inspired writings, "its author being undoubtedly Moses." These Commentaries have been edited by T. Werblomer (Frankfort-a.-M., 1848). R. Kirchheim added a Hebrew introduction discussing the character of these commentaries, and describing the manuscripts from which these were copied; a Biography of the author is added in German.
Josepb Giqatilia wrote notes on the Moreh, printed with "Questinnn of Shaul ha-kohen" (Venice, 1574. MS. Bodl.. 1911, 3).
Josepb b. Isaac ha-Levi's Gib'ar ha-Moreh is a short Commentary on portions of the Moreh, with notes by R. Yom-tub Heller, the author of Tosafar ram-sob (Prag., 1612).