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CUArTBK XLllI On ianaf XLIV On'aym XLV On s'bama XLVI, XLVII On the Attribution of Scnsis and StMTJations to God XLVlll The Targum of ibjmti and raah XLIX Figurative Expressions applied to Angels . L On Faith . . . . • LI-LX On Attributes LI On the Necessity of Proving the Inadmissibility of Attributes reference to God LII Classification of Attributes LIII The Arguments of the Attributists . LIV On Exod. xxxiii. 13 ; xxxiv. 7. . . LV On Attributes implying Corporeality, Emotion, Non-existence and Comparison LVI On Attributes denoting Existence, Life, Power, Wisdom and Will LVII On the Identity of the Essence of God and His Attributes LVI 1 1 On the Negative Sense of the True Attributes of God . LIX On the Character of the Knowledge of God Consisting of Negations LX On the Difference between Positive and Negative Attributes LXI On the Names of God ...... LXII On the Divine Names composed of Four, Twelve and Forty-two Letters . . . . ■ LXIII On Eheh, Tab and Shaddai LXIV On "The Name of the Lord," and "The Glory of God" LXV On the phrase "God spake" . ,XVI On Exod. xxxii. 16 (VII On shahat and nab .....-- LXVIII On the Terms : The Intcllectus, the Intelligens and the Intelligibile LXIX On the Primal Cause LXX On the attribute rokeh hd arahot LXXI The Origin of the Kaldm .... LXXII A Parallel between the Universe and Man. LXXIII Twelve Propositions of the /fj/'im . LXXIV Proofs of the Kaldm for tbe creatio ex nihilo LXXV Proofs of the Kaldm for the Unity of God LXXVI Proofs of the Kaldm for the Incorporeality of God LX) rAGX 57 58 58 59. 63 64 65 67 68-89 68 69 72 75 78 79 80 81 83 87 89 91 93 95 96 ■ 98 99 100 lOZ 105 107 113 IZO 133 138 141 Part II. The Author's Introduction. The Twenty-Six Propositions employed by the Philo- sophers to prove the Existence of God ...... CHAPTtB. Philosophical proofs for the Existence, Incorporeality, and Unity of the First Cause ...... On the Existence of Intelligences or purely Spiritual Beings . The Author adopts the Theory of Aristotle as least open to Objec tions ........ The Spheres and the Causes of their Motion . . . . Agreement of the Aristotelian Theory with the Teaching of Scripture What is meant by the Scriptural Term "Angels" The Homonymity of the term "Angel" .... On the Music of the Spheres ...... On the Number of the Heavenly Spheres .... The Influence of the Spheres upon the Earth manifests itself in fou different ways ...... The Theory of Eccentricity Preferable to that of Epicycles On the Nature of the Divine Influence and that of the Spheres Three Different Theories about the Beginning of the Universe I II III IV V VI VII VIH IX X XI XII XIII H5 149 »54 ,56 156 159 160 162 163 163 164 166 168


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