1. Cf. John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, London, 1920, 3 p. 70. 2. " From quotations I had seen I had a high notion of Aristotle's merits, but I had not the most remote notion what a wonderful man he was. Linnaeus and Cuvier have been my two gods, though in very different ways, but they were mere schoolboys to old Aristotle," in Letter of Darwin to Ogle, 1882, cited by Arthur Piatt, in the preface to his translation of the De Gen. Animalium; also by Charles Singer, " Biology," p. 200, in R. W. Livingstone's The Legacy of Greece, Oxford, 1921. 3. W. A. Heidel, " Ilept ^vaeus, a study of the con- ception of Nature among the Pre-Socratics," in Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XLV. lOS (1910). 4. W. A. Heidel, o.c, p. 106. Professor Heidel has rendered service to scholarship in bringing forward the interpretative value of the Hippocratic writings. In saying " Hippocrates," Professor Heidel is not intending to decide the specific authorship of the tracts drawn upon. 5. I refer to the Ilept Aialrifs, On Diet, and the Hepl Toprjs, On Generation. A sketch of their contents is given by Charles Singer, in Livingstone's The Legacy of Greece, Oxford, 1921, pp. 168 ff. 6. The great edition is that of Littre in ten volumes, with almost too ample introductions, and containing the Greek text printed opposite the French translation, fimile Littr6, Oeuvres Completes d'Hippocrate, Paris, 1839-53. While Littr6 was bringing out his volumes, in the middle of the nineteenth century, a good English translation, with judicious introduction and notes, was made of The Genuine Works of Hippocrates, by Francis Adams, under the