words, it is a pronoun used with the noun governed by the verb, as the representative of the Nominative or Agent; but it cannot be employed in conjunction with the Nominative or Agent as the subject of a verb : Thus, in such a sentence as the man saw his son, the his is ambiguous in English, it may mean the man's own son or another person's son ; but no such doubt can exist in Hindūstānī, because if the man's own son is intended, اپْنا will be used, if another person's son, اُس کا must be employed. Again, اپنا is used because the words his son are the object of the sentence, and are governed by the verb ; but in the sentence ' a man and his son saw a tiger,' اُس کا must be used, and not اپنا, because it here occurs with the subject of the verb.
پہلا درویش اپنی سیر کا قصہ کہنے لگا 'the first darwesh began to tell the story of his (own) adventures.
میں اپنے گھر بیٹھا تھا 'I was seated (in) my house.'
اپنے گھر کی راہ لو 'take the road to your house (go home).'
ایک شیر اور ایک مرد نے اپنی تصویر دیکھی 'a tiger and a man saw their picture.'
289. But though اپْنا cannot be used in conjunction with the Nominative, it is used at the beginning of a sentence with the Nominative for its object.