POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. 157286. آپ is also used with a personal pronoun in the Accusative.
آپ کو قاضی سا بنانا 'to make myself like a judge.' ایک درویش آپ کو دنیا کی زحمت سے بچا کر 'a darwesh having rescued himself from the troubles of the world.'
But this is rare, and the form in common use is the inflected genitive اپنے apne with the affix تَئِیں.
اپنے تَئِیں کہا 'he said to himself. اپنے تَئِیں هلاک کِیا 'he killed himself.' اپنے تئیں حلم و بردباری کے زیوَر سے سنوارے 'he should adorn himself with the jewels of mercy and forbearance.' کہ اپنے تَئِیں گِرا دُوں 'that I might throw myself down.' جو بات اپنے پر نہ پسند کرے 'that matter which pleases not one's self.'
Possessive Pronouns.
287. These are supplied by the Genitive cases of the personal pronouns, اُسکا, تیرا، میرا, etc. See Rule 275.
The Possessive اپْنا.
288. This is a Possessive Pronoun which is used for all three persons and both numbers. It represents the subject in the objective part of the sentence, or, in other