[vi, 69-
69. And wē gelȳfað and witon þæt þū eart Crīst, Godes Sunu.
70. Sē Hǣlend him andswarude and cwæð, Hū ne gecēas ic ēow twelfe, and ēower ān is dēofol?
71. Hē hyt cwæþ be Iuda Scarioþe; þēs hine belǣwde, þā hē wæs ān þāra twelfa.
1. Syþþan fōr sē Hǣlend tō Galilea; hē nolde faran tō Iudea, for þām þe þā Iudeas hine sōhton and woldon hyne ofslēan.
2. Hit was gehende Iudea frēolsdæge.
3. His brōðra cwǣdon to him, Far heonon and gā on Iudea land, þæt þīne leorningcnihtas gesēon þā weorc þe þū wyrcst.
4. Ne dēð nan man nān þing on dīglum, ac sēcþ þæt hit open sȳ. Gif ðū þās þing dēst, geswutela þē sylfne middanearde.
5. Witodlīce nē his māgas ne gelȳfdon on hyne.
6. Đā cwæþ sē Hǣlend tō him, Gȳt ne cōm min tīd; ēower tīd is symble gearu.