iv, 17]
Secundum Iohannem
and twēgen fixas; ac hwæt synt þā þing betwux
swā manegum mannum?
10. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Dōð þæt þās men sitton. On þǣre stōwe wæs mycel gærs; ðǣr sǣton þā swylce fīf þūsendo manna.
11. Sē Hǣlend nam þā hlāfas, and þanc wurðlīce dyde, and hig tōdǣlde þām sittendum, and eall swā of þām fixum swā mycel swā hig woldon.
12. Đā hig fulle wǣron, þā cwæð hē tō his leorningcnihton, Gaderiaþ þā brytsena þe þār tō lāfe wǣron, þæt hig ne losigeon.
13. Hig gegaderedon, and fyldon twelf wyligeon fulle þǣra brytsena of þām þe þā lǣfdon þþe of þām fīf berenan hlāfon ǣton.
i4. Đā men cwǣdon, þā hig gesāwon þæt hē þæt tācen worhte, Þæt þēs is sōðlīce wītega þe on middangeard cymþ.
15. Đā sē Hǣlend wiste þæt hig woldon cuman and hine gelæccean and tō cynge dōn, þā flēah hē āna uppon þone munt.
17. And þā hig ēodon on scyp, hi cōmon ofer