The Renowned Hiſtory of
ſstanding he had her ſo ill; for standing he knew it was her Duty to do Good for Evil. As ſoon as he was informed who ſhe was, he took no Notice of her; upon which ſhe deſired to ſpeak to Lady Gripe; and having informed her Ladyſhip of the Affair, ſhe went her Way. This Lady had more Senſe than her Huſband, which indeed is not a ſingular Caſe; for inſtead of deſpiſing Little Margery and her Information, ſhe privately ſet People to guard the Houſe. The Robbers divided themſelves, and went about the Time mentioned to both Houſes, and were ſurpiſed by the Guards, and taken. Upon examining theſe Wretches, one of which turned Evidence, both Sir William and Sir Timothy found that they owed their Lives to the Diſcovery made by little Margery; and the firſt took