The Renowned Hiſtory of
and fell faſt aſleep. At Eleven of the Clock I awoke; which I believe was in ſome meaſure occaſſioned by the Clock's ſtriking, for I heard it. I ſtarted up, and could not at firſt tell where I was; but after ſome Time I recollected the Funeral, and ſoon found that I was ſhut in the Church.
It was diſmal dark, and I could ſee nothing; but while I was ſtanding in the Pew, ſomething jumped up upon me behind, and laid, as I thought, its Hands over my Shoulders. I own, I was a little afraid at firſt; however, I conſidered that I had always been conſtant at Prayers and at Church, and that I had done nobody any Harm, but had endeavoured to do what Good I could; and then, thought I, what have I to fear? yet I kneeled down to ſay my Prayers. A sſoon as I was on my Knees ſome-