The Renowned Hiſtory of
This elated the Heart of Mr. Graſpall, this crowned his Hopes, and filled the Meaſure of his Iniquity; for beſides gratifying his Revenge, this Man's Overthrow gave him the ſole Dominion of the Poor, whom he depreſſed and abuſed in a Manner too horrible to mention. Margery’s Father flew into another Pariſh for Succour, and all thoſe who were able to move left their Dwellings and ſought Employment elſewhere, as they found it would be impoſſible to live under the Tyranny of two ſuch People. The very old, the very lame and the blind were obliged to ſtay behind, and whether they were ſtarved, or what became of them, Hiſtory does not ſay; but the Character of the great Sir Timothy and his avaricious Tenant, were ſo infamous, that nobody would work for them by the Day, and