Goody Two-Shoes.
for the Convenience of Travellers, thoſe beſt know who have had the Misfortune to be obliged to paſs thro' that Pariſh.—Complaints indeed were made, but to what Purpoſe are Complaints, when brought againſt a Man, who can hunt, drink, and ſmoak with the Lord of the Manor, who is alſo the Juſtice of Peace? The Oppoſition which little Margery's Father made to this Man's Tyranny, gave Offence to Sir Timothy, who endeavoured to force him out of his Farm; and to oblige him to throw up the Leaſe, ordered both a Brick Kiln and a Dog-kennel to be erected in the Farmer's Orchard. This was contrary to Law, and a Suit was commenced, in which Margery's Father got the better. The ſame Offence was again committed three different Times, and as many Actions brought,
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