Without, of courſe, claiming that ſimilarity of idea in different writings neceſſarily betokens the ſame authorſhip, I think the parallels that are to be found in this little book, with many of the ſentiments in Oliver Goldſmith's acknowledged work—to ſay nothing of the almoſt univerſally recognized likeness to Goldſmith's ſtyle that is found in "Goody Two Shoes" may fairly be conſidered as throwing ſome light upon the queſtion.
The moſt ſtriking of theſe parallels is perhaps that furniſhed by the curious little political preface to the work—a preface which is quite unneceſſary to the book, and I think would only have been inſerted by one who was full of the unjuſtneſſes at which he was preparing to aim a still heavier blow. In