ſpeak, which appeared to be common to a group of little volumes, all publiſhed about the ſame period. Theſe were: "Goody Two Shoes," "Giles Gingerbread," "Tom Thumb's Folio," "The Lilliputian Magazine," "The Lilliputian Maſquerade," The Eaſter Gift," "A Pretty Plaything," "The Fairing," "Be Merry and Wife," "The Valentine's Gift," "Pretty Poems for the Amuſement of Children Three Feet High," "A Pretty Book of Pictures," "Tom Teleſcope," and a few others. I give abbreviated titles only, but if ſpace permitted I ſhould like to quote them in full; they are remarkable no leſs for their curious quaintneſs and their clever ingenuity than for their attractiveneſs to both parents (who, it muſt not be forgotten, are more often the real buyers