< Page:Goody Two-Shoes (1881).djvu
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By the KING'S Royal Patent,

Are Sold by J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.

  1. Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meaſles,Colds,&c. as. 6d
  2. Dr. Hooker' 's Female Pills, 1s.
  3. Mr. Greenoughs Tincture for Teeth, 1s
  4. Ditto for the Tooth-Ach, 1s.
  5. Stomachic Lozenges for the Heart-burn, Cholic, Indigeſtion, &c. 1s. 6d.
  6. The Balſm of Health, or, (as it is by ſome called) the Balſam of Life, is 6d
  7. The Original Dafſys Elixir, 1s. 3d.
  8. Dr. Anderſon's Scots Pills, 1s.
  9. The Original Britiſh Oil, 1s.
  10. The Alterative Pills, which are a ſafe, and certain Cure for the King's Evil, and all Scrophulous Complaints, 5s. the Box, containing 40 Doſes.—See a Diſertation on theſe Diſorderſ ſold at the Place above-mentioned, Price 6d.
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