a Thief for Gold which he did not want, as he was already very rich. Oh! ſaid he, what is the Heart of Man made of? Why am I condemned to live among People who have no Sincerity, and who barter the moſt ſacred Ties of Friendship and Humanity for the Dirt that we tread on? Had I loſt my Gold and found a real Friend, I ſhould have been happy with the Exchange, but now I am moſt miserable. After ſome Time he wiped off his Tears,and being determined not to be ſo impoſed on, he had Recourſe to Cunning and the Arts of Life. He went to his pretended Friend with a chearful Countenance, told him he had more Gold to hide, and deſired him to appoint a Time when they might go together, and open the Earth to put it into the ſame Pot; the other, in Hopes of getting more Wealth, appointed the next Evening. They went together, opened the Ground, and found the Money they had firſt placed there, for the artful Wretch, he ſo much confided in, had conveyed it again into the Pot, in order to obtain more.