ſplendent Majeſty, and afterwards turned to the Statue, but could ſee no Change in the Stone. Surely, ſays he to himſelf there is ſome myſtical Meaning in this! This Inſcription muſt be an Ænigma, the hidden Meaning of which I will endeavour to find; for a Philoſopher would never expect a Stone to be turned to Gold; accordingly he meaſured the Length of the Shadow, which the Statue gave on the Ground by the Sun ſhining on it and marked that particular Part where the Head fell, then getting a Chopneſs (a Thing like a Spade) and digging, he diſcovered a Copper-cheſt, full of Gold, with this Inſcription engraved on the Lid of it.
Thy WIT,
Oh Man I whoever thou art,
Hath diſclo'sd the Ænigma,
And diſcover'd the Golden Head.
Take it and uſe it,
But uſe it with Wisdom ;
For 'know,
That Gold, properly employ'd,
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