Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes.
lecture them in Religion and Morality; after which ſhe treated them with a Supper, gave them ſuch Books as they wanted, and then diſpatched them with her Bleſſing. Nor did ſhe forget them at her Death, but left each a Legacy, as will be ſeen among other charitable Donations when we publiſh her Will, which we may do in ſome future Volume. There is one Requeſt however ſo ſingular, that we cannot help taking ſome Notice of it in this Place; which is, that of her giving ſo many Acres of Land to be planted yearly with Potatoes, for all the Poor of any Pariſh who would come and fetch them for the Uſe of their Families; but if any took them to ſell they were deprived of that Privilege ever after. And theſe Roots were planted and raiſed from the Rent ariſing from a Farm which ſhe had aſſigned