The Renowned Hiſtory of
Timothy Gripe, the Juſtice, and his Friend Graſpall, who endeavoured to deprive him of Part of his Tythes; upon which ſhe, in Conjunction with her Brother, defended him, and the Cauſe was tried in Weſtminſter-hall where Mr. Smith gained a Verdict; and it appearing that Sir Timothy had behaved moſt ſcandalouſly, as a Juſtice of the Peace, he was ſtruck off the Liſt, and no longer permitted to act in that Capacity. This was a Cut to a Man of his imperious Diſpoſition, and this was followed by one yet more ſevere; for a Relation of his, who had an undoubted Right to the Mouldwell Eſtate, finding that it was poſſible to get the better at Law of a rich Man, laid Claim to it, brought his Action, and recovered the whole Manor of Mouldwell; and being after-