Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes.
agreeable; that if ever Jane deſerved the Character of a Witch, it was after this Money was left her; for that with her five thouſand Pounds, ſhe did more Acts of Charity and friendly Offices, than all the People of Fortune within fifty Miles of the Place. After this, Sir William inveighed againſt the abſurd and fooliſh Notions, which the Country People had imbibed concerning Witches, and Witchcraft, and having proved that there was no ſuch Thing, but that all were the Effects of Folly and Ignorance, he gave the Court ſuch an Account of Mrs. Margery, and her Virtue, good Senſe, and prudent Behaviour, that the Gentlemen preſent were enamoured with her, and returned her public Thanks for the great Service ſhe had done the Coun-