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The Renowned Hiſtory of

Murrain, every Cow that ſlipt her Calf, ſhe was accountable for: If a Horſe had the Staggers, ſhe was ſuppoſed to be in his Head; and whenever the Wind blew a little harder than ordinary, Goody Giles was playing her Tricks, and riding upon a Broomſtick in the Air. Theſe, and a thouſand other Phantaſies, too ridiculous to recite, poſſeſſed the Pates of the common People: Horſe-ſhoes were nailed with the Heels upwards, and many Tricks made uſe of, to mortify the poor Creature; and ſuch was their Rage againſt her, that they petitioned Mr. Williams, the Parſon of the Pariſh, not to let her come to Church; and at laſt, even inſiſted upon it: But this he over-ruled, and allowed the poor old Woman a Nook in one of the Iſles to herſelf, where ſhe muttered over her Prayers in the


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