The Renowned Hiſtory of
and thought ſhe could never ſufficiently gratify thoſe who had done any Thing to ſerve her. Theſe generous Sentiments, naturally led her to conſult the Intereſt of Mr. Grove, and the reſt of her Neighbours; and as moſt of their Lands were Meadow, and they depended much on their Hay, which had been for many Years greatly damaged by wet Weather, ſhe contrived an Inſtrument to direct them when to mow their Graſs with Safety, and prevent their Hay being ſpoiled. They all came to her for Advice, and by that Means got in their Hay without Damage, while moſt of that in the neighbouring Villages was ſpoiled. This made a great Noiſe in the Country, and ſo provoked were the People in the other Pariſhes, that they accuſed her of being a Witch, and