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The Renowned Hiſtory of

each Houſe looked like a grand Synod of Egyptian Prieſts. Nor was thiſ Cap of left Uſe to Partners in Trade, for with theſe, as well as with Huſband and Wife, if one was out of Humour, the other threw him the Cap, and he was obliged to pat it on, and keep it till all was quiet. I myſelf ſaw thirteen Caps worn at a Time in one Family, which could not have ſubſiſted an Hour without them; and I was particularly pleaſed at Sir Humphry Huſtrum’s to hear a little Girl, when her Father was out of Humour, aſk ther Mamma, if ſhe should reach down the Cap? Theſe Caps, indeed, were of ſuch Utility, that People of Senſe never went without them; and it was common in the Country, when a Booby made his Appearance, and talked Nonſenſe, to ſay, he had no Cap in his pocket.


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