< Page:Goody Two-Shoes (1881).djvu
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"Goody Two Shoes" was published in April 1765, and few nurſery books have had a wider circulation, or have retained their poſition ſo long. The number of editions that have been publiſhed both in England and America is legion, and it has appeared in mutilated verſions under the auſpices of numerous publiſhing houſes in London and the provinces, although of late years there have been no new iſſues. Even in 1802, Charles Lamb in writing to Coleridge, said—
'"Goody Two Shoes" is almoſt out of print. Mrs Barbauld's ſtuff has baniſhed all the old claſſics of the nurſery, and the ſhopman at Newbery's hardly deigned to reach them off an old exploded corner of a ſhelf, when Mary aſked for them. Mrs Barbauld's and Mrs Trimmer's nonſenſe lay in piles about. Know-
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