Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes.
Shield to the Righteous, and defendeth all thoſe who put their Truſt in him. As you, my dear Children, may be ſoilicitous to know how this happy Event was brought about, I muſt inform you, that Mr. Lovewells Son, when the Ship foundered, had with ſome others got into the long Boat, and was taken up by a Ship at Sea, and carried to the Eaſt Indies, where in a little Time he made a large Fortune; and the Pirates who took his Daughter, attempted to rob her of her Chartity; but finding her inflexible; and determined to die rather than to ſubmit ſome of them behaved to her in a very cruel Manner; but others, who had more Honour and Generoſity, became her Defenders; upon which a Quarrel aroſe between them, and the Captain, who was the worſt