Sel. And if I do,
What matters it? Be all he says thou art,
And I will worship thee for being so;
Thou art my faith—whate'er my Ethais does
Is ever hallowed by his doing it;
Thy moral law is mine—for thou art mine:
Rob, and I'll scoff at honor; kill—I'll kill;
Be perjured, and I'll swear by perjury;
Ay, be thou false to me, and I'll proclaim
That man forsworn who loves but one alone!
My soul is thine—whate'er my faith may be,
I'll be its herald; if thou hast no faith,
I'll be the high priest of thine unbelief!
Thy wisdom's mine; thy folly's thine—
Eth. Hush! hush!
Why this is madness!
Sel Yes, for this is Love!
Selene kneels at Ethais' feet.
Scene, same as Act I.
Dar. Still, still Selene watches Ethais!
For six long hours has she detained the knight
Within the dark recesses of her bower,