Lut. Is this indeed the truth?
Dar. It is indeed.
Obedient to our queen's command, we have
Subdued our natural antipathies.
Zay. They are our guests, all odious though they be, (Takes Phyllon's hand.)
As if e'en now they were what they will be
When they have seen what we shall be to them. (Kissing his hand)
Why, don't you see that in each word they speak,
They breathe of love?
Sel. (enthusiastically). They do!
Lut. Why Love's the germ
Of every sin that stalks upon the earth:
The brawler fights for love—the drunkard drinks
To toast the girl who loves him, or to drown
Remembrance of the girl who loves him not!
The miser hoards his gold to purchase love.
The liar lies to gain, or wealth, or love;
And if for wealth, it is to purchase love.
The very footpad nerves his coward arm
To stealthy deeds of shame by pondering on
The tipsy kisses of some tavern wench!
Be not deceived—this love is but the seed;
The branching tree that springs from it is Hate!
Dar. (to Eth.) Nay, heed him not. There is a legend here—