And when I've done with thee I'll do with them.
(They fight. The fairies watch the combat unobserved with great interest.)
Dar. What are they doing?
Sel. It's some game of skill.
It's very pretty.
Dar. Very. (Knights pause.) Oh, they've stopped.
Phy. Come, come—on guard. (Fight resumed.)
Zay. Now they begin again.
Eth. (Sees fairies, who have gradually surrounded them)
Hold! we are overlooked. (Ethais, who has turned for a moment in saying this, is severely wounded by Phyllon.)
Sel. You may proceed.
We like it much.
Dar. You do it very well—
Begin again.
Eth. Black curses on that thrust!
I am disabled. Ladies, bind my wound;
And if it please you still to see us fight,
We'll fight for those bright eyes and cherry lips
Till one or both of us shall bite the dust.
Phy. Hold! call a truce till we return to earth—
Here are bright eyes enough for both of us.
Eth. I don't know that! Well, there—till we return. (Shaking hands.)
But once again on earth, we will take up
Our argument where it was broken off,
And let thy devils whirl me where they may,