And she questioned him; had she been seen so, without even a handkerchief around her waist to cover her? He joked, and made up stories, saying that he had just brought her there in the midst of all the mates standing in a row. What an idea, to have taken his advice and exhibit her bum! Afterwards he declared that the mates could not even know whether it was round or square, he had rushed along so swiftly.
"The deuce! but I'm dying of cold," he said, dressing himself in turn.
Never had she seen him so kind. Usually, for one good word that he said to her she received at once two bullying ones. It would have been so pleasant to live in agreement; a feeling of tenderness went through her in the languor of her fatigue. She smiled at him, and murmured:
"Kiss me."
He embraced her, and lay down beside her, waiting till she was able to walk.
"You know," she said again, "you were wrong to shout at me over there, for I couldn't do more, true! Even in the cutting you're not so hot; if you only knew how it roasts you at the bottom of the passage!"
"Sure enough," he replied, "it would be better under the trees. You feel bad in that stall, I'm afraid, my poor girl."
She was so touched at hearing him agree with her that she tried to be brave.
"Oh! it's a bad place. Then, to-day the air is poisoned. But you shall see soon if I'm a viper. When one has to work, one works; isn't it true? I'd die rather than stop."
There was silence. He held her with one arm round her waist, pressing her against his breast to keep her from harm. Although she already felt strong enough to go back to the stall, she forgot everything in her delight.
"Only," she went on in a very low voice, "I should like it so much if you were kinder. Yes, it is so good when we love each other a little."
And she began to cry softly.
"But I do love you," he cried, "for I've taken you with me."
She only replied by shaking her head. There are often men who take women just in order to have them, caring mighty little about their happiness. Her tears flowed more hotly; it