osity. As to Rasseneur, he had seemed constrained during the last two days, and his fat round face had lost its good-natured laugh.
"Pluchart has not arrived, and I am very anxious," added Étienne.
The innkeeper turned away his eyes, and replied between his teeth:
"I'm not surprised; I don't expect him."
Then he made up his mind, and looking the other man in the face bravely:
"I, too, have sent him a letter, if you want me to tell you; and in that letter I have begged him not to come. Yes, I think we ought to manage our own affairs ourselves, without turning to strangers."
Étienne, losing his self-possession and trembling with anger, turned his eyes on his mate's and stammered:
"You've done that, you've done that?"
"I have done that, certainly! and you know that I trust Pluchart; he's a knowing fellow and reliable, one can get on with him. But you see I don't care a damn for your ideas, I don't! Politics, Government, and all that, I don't care a damn for it! What I want is for the miner to be better treated. I have worked down below for twenty years, I've sweated down there with fatigue and misery, and I've sworn to make it easier for the poor beggers who are there still; and I know well enough you'll never get anything with all your ideas, you'll only make the men's fate more miserable still. When they are forced by hunger to go down again, they will be more crushed than ever; the Company will pay them with strokes of the stick, like a runaway dog who is brought back to his tricks. That's what I want to prevent, do you see!"
He raised his voice, protruding his belly and squarely planted on his big legs. The patient, reasonable man's whole nature was revealed in clear phrases, which flowed abundantly without an effort. Was it not absurd to believe that with one stroke one could change the world, putting the workers in the place of the masters and dividing gold as one divides an apple? It would, perhaps, take thousands and thousands of years for that to be realised. There, hold your tongue, with your miracles!