Fetherston. Distinguish then, please.
Easterley. Well, when you say that you don't believe in the supernatural, I reply that what I don't believe in is the natural.
Fetherston. I am afraid I must ask you to explain your explanation.
Easterley. What I mean is this. I believe that there is nothing at all, from a bucket of saltwater to the head on your shoulders, of which a full account can be given by any man. You go further and further back until you can get no further, but still you see that you are not at the end. Every natural thing implies a principle which is outside nature.
Fetherston. But you believe that there is a law for everything?
Easterly. I believe that order prevails everywhere, and that everything has its place in that order; you may if you like call that order nature. Then I say that if there be ghosts they are part of nature; they have their place in nature as well as we. And we as well as the ghosts, and the air and the water as well as we, imply something that is not nature. Everything is natural and everything is supernatural.
Fetherston. Easterly, I am afraid you are a philosopher. Come with me to Central Australia and we'll