determined to resist him to the death. Is there any hope?"
"Yes, there is hope, surely, although you may have, as you say, to resist him to the death. But if you die resisting him he will have no power over you after death. I am come to rescue both you and your friend. He runs no such risk as you do, although you are both in great danger of your lives."
"And but for my compliance, I suppose neither of us would have run any risk at all."
"Not so. You were both of you in great danger of your lives, and your friend is still so. But any further compliance on your part will make you the slave of this man, living or dead."
I shuddered and said, "What is to be done?"
"Your penitence and your present purpose are accepted, and you will have one more opportunity of asserting your own will against this Davelli. Tell me what has passed between you since your first compliance."
I told him in brief all that I have told you in the last chapter.
"It is clear," said Leäfar, "that he is going to make one more attempt upon you. He will make it, no doubt, when you meet him to-morrow. If you surrender your