Washingtox National Monmuent Office, July 5, 1848.
At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washington National Monument Society held this day, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:—
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be presented to the Hon. Robert C. Winthorp, for the eloquent, instructive, patriotic and appropriate Address pronounced by him yesterday, on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the National Monument to the memory of Washington: That he be equested to furnish the Board with a copy of the address; and that a large and elegant edition of the same be published in pamphlet form, under the direction of a committee to be appointed for that purpose.
Mr. Fendall, Mr. Watterston, and Gen. Henderson were appointed as the committee, and presented a copy of the foregoing resolution to Mr. Winthrop.
Washington, July 6. 1848.
I am greatly honored by the resolution of the Managers of the Washington National Monument Society.
My Address is at their service, to be disposed of in any manner of which they shall think it worthy.
- I am, most respectfully,
- Your friend and servant,
- Your friend and servant,
- I am, most respectfully,
Committee, &c
Mr. Fendall,
Mr. Watterston,
Genl. Henderson,