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the Republic. Let them know and feel that as Americans they are a common brotherhood, a single family, and that any principle or proposition that would regard the interests or advantages of the few to the detriment of the many is not American in its character, but is hostile to American institutions, and must be destructive of our peace. May the watchword of the nation ever be "union," and let the prayer ascend from every American heart that it may ever be preserved! May this pile, sacred in memorial to the Father of his country, be the central point of union for the north and the south, the east and the west. And when the people of every section of the land shall look upon it, or think of it, may they feel that they are Americans, fellow citizens with the venerated Washington, and strike hands and hearts together in the pledge that everything shall fall before the federal union of the States shall be dissolved!

Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continued help. While we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord our God, and offer Thee the services of our lips, may our hearts be devoted to Thee, that we may bring forth the fruits of holiness in our lives, and show by our deeds that we are Thy faithful servants! Be pleased to perpetuate our free government, and continue its blessings to mankind. When the men of the present generation shall have passed away, may it be firmer and stronger than it was when committed to their hands, and so may it continue, in the succession of perpetual generations, the blessing of the American people, the envy and admiration of the world. Endue us with wisdom and innocency of life, and, when we shall have served Thee in our generation, may we be gathered to our fathers having the testimony of a good conscience in communion with Thy church; in the confidence of a certain faith; in the comfort of a reasonable, religious, and holy hope; in favor with Thee our God. and in perfect charity with all the world. All these mercies and blessings we ask in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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