down the middle, and a blackish brown border round the eyes, as in some other species: the legs are dusky, and the claws white. The measure of the animal from nose to tail is nine inches, and of the tail the same, which is spotted with brown and white, and is coated with hair to the distance of about an inch from the base, the remainder being naked. The measures of this species, as given by Mr. Schreber, are somewhat different. He says the length of the animal is somewhat more than seven inches, and of the tail more than eleven. It is a native of the mountains of Mexico, where it lives among trees.
- Didelphis Brachyura. D. cauda pilosa et auriculis calvis brevissimis, marsupio nullo, corpore rufo. Lin. Syst. Nat. Gmel p. 108. Schreb. saeughth. p. 548. t. 101.
- Mus sylvestris Americana foemina. Seb. mus. 1. p. 50. t. 31. f. 6.
- Short-tailed Opossum. Pennant Quadr. 2. p. 26.
This is one of the smaller species; and is said seldom to exceed the length of five inches from nose to tail; and in general to be somewhat smaller than this; and the tail scarce exceds the length of two inches. Its colour is a reddish brown, on the upper parts, and whitish beneath; it is destitute of an abdominal pouch; the young fastening themselves to the teats. The fur of this animal is very soft and elegant; the tail is very thick