to such trifles in the asylum. And he walked quicker and quicker; he made steps larger and larger; he walked on one hour, two hours, suffering with exasperation.
"I'll tire you, I'll strangle you!" muttered he, wrathfully; several times he gnashed his teeth.
In the dining-room the supper was ready. Upon a big table, minus a tablecloth, were placed several painted, wooden bowls, containing a thin millet-gruel. The patients sat down on the benches and each was given a piece of black bread. About eight persons ate with wooden spoons out of a single bowl. The few who were entitled to a superior diet ate separately. Our patient, quickly swallowing his portion brought by the attendant into his room, was not satisfied with this alone, and went into the general dining-room.
"Allow me to sit down here!" said he to the superintendent.
"Why, haven't you had your supper?" asked the superintendent, pouring extra portions into the bowls.
"I'm very hungry, and I need something to strengthen me a great deal. My whole sub-