The Best, most Successful, and Cheapest Art Magazine in the World
The International STUDIO An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art Offices: 67 Fifth Avenue, New York 35 cents per month Annual Subscriptions $3.50 Three Months' Trial Subscription ^i.oo Two Specimen Copies sent post free for 25 cents It is the mission of ** The International Studio'* to treat of Modern Art in all its phases — Art in Painting, Art in Sculpture, Art in Books, Art in Decoradon, Art in the Home; and to illustrate not only the best pictures, but also the best decoradve designs of the day. The principal writers on Art are contributors to its pages. Many original illustradons reproduced in the best possible manner are to be found in every number. Color supplements of artistic valje are regularly presented. Everyone interested in Art, professionally or otherwise, should read it. JOHN LANE, PUBLISHER 67 Fifth Avenue, New York