The Collected Poems of William Watson. Designed cover. izmo. ;J52.5o. This volume includes the w^ork contained in the author's volumes, "Poems," ** Lachrymze Musarum," **Odes, and Other Poems," *'Thc Father of the Forest, and Other Poems," "The Year of Shame," and "The Hope of the World, and Other Poems," with the exception of a few poems excluded by the author. The LoTtdon Daily Chronicle says: "As we look through this collected edition of his work we feel confirmed in our belief that whatever his limitations, and they are not few, it is Mr. Watson's function and his glory to hand on, in this generation, tlie great classical tradition of English poetry. On the threshold of the twentieth century he reconciles and brings to a common denominator, as it were, the best qualities of eighteenth-century and of nineteenth-century verse. He is the heir no less of Dryden than of Tennyson 5 it is hard to say whether Keats or Pope has more potentially influenced him. There is significance in the fact that his favorite instrument, which he fingers with the utmost mastery, is the classic instrument of the English Muse — the iambic pentameter. Pregnant, resonant, memorable lines flow inexhaustibly from his pen ; and some of them, we venture to predict, will live with the language." The London Daily Ne^vs szys : "The swing and rush of the verse in the great themes; its epigram- matic felicity in others; its mastery in all the science of this highest of the high arts, will make the volume a model for the craftsman, an abiding delight to all who possess what, we fear, must still be called the acquired taste for fine things finely said." T/ie folloiving separate Volumes by Mr. William Watson may still be had : The Prince's Quest, and Other Poems. ^1.50. [^Third edition Poems. ^1.25. _Pifik edition Lachrymse Musarum. ^1.25. [Fourth edition The Eloping Angels. ^1.25. [Second edition Odes, and Other Poems. ^1.50. [Fifth edition The Father of the Forest, and Other Poems. ^1.25. [Fifth edition The Purple East. ^0.50. [Third edition The Year of Shame. ^i.OO. [Second edition The Hope of the World, and Other Poems. ^1.25. [Third edition Excursions in Criticism. ^1.50. [Second edition THE WORKS OF THEODORE WATTS-DUNTON JUBILEE GREETING AT SPITHEAD TO THE MEN OF GREATER BRITAIN. lamo. 50 cents. THE COMING OF LOVE: Rhona Boswell's Story, and Other Poems. i2mo. ^2.00. Second edition. NEW POEMS. l2mo. ^1.50 net. The Times : " His verses breathe the spirit of fraternity among all the people of the Empire." Literature: "In 'The Coming of Love' (which, though published fearlier, is a sequel to 'Aylwin') he has given us an unforgettable, we cannot but believe an enduring portrait ; one of the few immortal women of the imagination. Rhona Boswell comes again into ' Aylwin.' " The Star: "We can recall no study of the love-passion that can compare with 'Aylwin.' It declines to be classed. It is of no school. It owns no lineage, acknowledges no tradition. Its form is new, its ethical message is new." WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS THE WIND AMONG THE REEDS. i2mo. I1.25. Mr. William Archer: " It is with Mr. Yeats that, so far as I know, the genuine spirit of Irsh antiquity and Irish folk-lore makes its first entrance into English verse. In Mr. Yeats we have an astonishing union of primitive imagination and feeling with cultivated and consciously artistic expression. The very spirit of the myth-makers and myth-believers is in him. His imaginative life finds its spontaneous, natural utterance in the language of the ' Keltic twilight.' This is no literary jargon to him, but his veritable mother tongue."