faintly. The hot night beat on his skin, making it hotter.
"How many women are you?" he said suddenly and thickly.
"Are you just beginning to find out that I am more than one?"
He was at a disadvantage already.
"I am beginning to find out that you are not the woman I thought you."
"Are you sure now that I am the woman you think me?"
Dick flung the paddle down.
"Let me come nearer and I'll tell you
""Wait!" She leaned forward and her voice was changed. "I want to ask you something. Would you do—for me—a thing that you did not want to do?"
The sweet true ring was back in her voice again. Dick paddled in silence. Then he said huskily:
"You can remember two nights ago and ask me that?"
The thrust made Jennifer wince. She had not expected it—not in that tone. Then she rallied.
"But how was I to know that you had remembered?" she asked.
"I—I had thought that was the only thing
" Dick stopped, and swift, bitter derision of himself swept over him. Had he been insanely careful of a thing which was not there? Had he been scourging himself for his cruelty to her while she had been laughing at his silence?"Was it?" she asked.
"I suppose you realise that your question gives the answer to that," he said. "Sit still, for I am coming up to your end to talk to you."
She saw him move, and she sprang up instantly. Dick crouched, motionless, with his mouth dry. "Sit down," he said. "For God's sake, sit down! I couldn't swim in with you from here."
A moment longer she stood, feeling in a sudden wildness that death was best—death was easier than life. Then she dropped back, controlled by her knowledge of God's "shalt nots." But her head was giddy. She had set herself to test Dick's real nature, and already she believed that she hated it. It was as necessary for her to prove