May 14 1864.]
☞ Send 25 Cents ☜
to TICKNOR & FIELDS, 135 Washington St., Boston, Mass., and get a specimen number of the
Atlantic Monthly |
This Magazine is published at $3 a year or 25 cents a number, and is sent postpaid by the publishers for that price. It contains each month
Mrs. Stowe's series of domestic articles, HOUSE AND HOME PAPERS, are alone richly worth the price of subscription. Five of these have already appeared and they will be continued throughout the year 1864.
Measles are prostrating the Volunteers by hundreds, the hospitals are crowded with them. Soldiers, be warned in time. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are positively infallible in the cure of this disease; occasional doses of them will preserve the health even under the greatest exposure. 35 cts., 88 cts., and $1.40 per box or pot.
Trade Mark, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass., Full Jewelled, WARRANTED, in 4 oz. coin silver hunting case, gold joints, fancy push pin, for $50.
Also, every variety of good Watches at equally low rates. All orders from the Army must be prepaid, as the Express Companies will not take bills for collection on soldiers.
J. L. FERGUSON, Importer of Watches, 208 Broadway, N. Y.
Ground in Oil in six drab shades for Villas, Cottages, Roofs etc., etc.
R. REYNOLDS, Agent, 74 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
The only enamelled "Turn-over" Collar made in metals. Send $1 for a "Turn-over" or 75 cents for a "Choker," to C. H. WELLING, 96 Pine St., N. Y., and receive it by return mail.
Nervous Diseases and Physical Debility, arising from Specific causes, in both Sexes—new and reliable treatment in Reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South-Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Great Chance to Make Money!
Agents can make $10 to $30 a day selling our celebrated Prize Stationery Packets. We have every variety to suit the tales of all; retail for 25 cents each. A Splendid Gold or Silver Watch presented free to each Agent. $15 capital only required to obtain 100 Packages and a fine Silver Watch. Also, Splendid Steel Engravings. $10 invested will yield $50. Send for Circulars. Mailed free.
Price Package and Engraving Warehouse.
36 and 38 Beckman street, N. Y.
Marked Characters.
8ce Portraits, with descriptions of Gen. B. F. Butler and Hon Owen Lovejoy—with interesting articles on Broad Heads and Narrow Heads, with illustrations on "Our Social Relations"—Love Affairs, Ought Parents to Interfere? A Word to Lean Folks, and How to become Stout—Light, its Necessity—Psychology—The Soul Immaterial—A Real Vision—Dreams vs. Clairvoyance—Riches, etc., in MAY No. ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Only 15 cents. Address
449-500 FOWLER & WELLS, Broadway, N. Y.
celebrated elastic stitch
Sewing Machines
Were awarded the Highest Premiums over all competitors at the State Fairs of New York, Vermont, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Oregon, and at every respectable Institute and County Fair held in 1863.
Salesrooms, 495 Broadway, N. Y.
All articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Monroe, Harper's Ferry, Newberne, Port Royal, and all other places should be sent at half rate, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway, Soldiers charged low rates.
Corns and Bunyons.
Their Cause, Prevention and Cure. Fully explained in the Great Work just published by Dr. MERRIFIELD. Mailed everywhere for 25 cents. Address
F. B. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.
A boy named Robert Struck, seven years old; full, rosy face, curly brown hair and brown eyes; was dressed in a brown jacket, and ⟨black pants⟩ buttoned thereto; was lost ⟨on Saturday⟩, April 16th, 1864, about noon; was last seen near the Hoboken Ferries and the Morris and Essex Railroad Depot in Hoboken. By returning him, or leaving information with his mother, at 57 Washington street, Hoboken, any one will receive the reward. N.B.—The above photograph was taken two years since; the general features are about the same.
$15 Per Day Easy $15
Made by acting as our Agent for the sale of the Great Original and only Genuine Rickard's Combination Prize Packages. Each of those Wonderful Large and Useful Packages contains Large quantities of Fine Writing Paper, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Lead Pencils, Blotters, Fine Engravings, Ladies New Fashion Plates, Designs for Needle Work, Beautiful Emblems, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Parlor, Toilet, Kitchen and Garden Guide, Evening Amusements, Letter Writers Instructors, Rare Old Recipes, Many Ways to Get Rich, Miniature Calendars for 1864, Yankee Notions, Likenesses of Military Heroes, Camp Companions, with Pay, Bounties, Rations, Allowances, Pensions, &c., Games, Rich Presents of Fine Jewellery &c., the whole worth, if Bought Separate, Many Dollars. Price, Each Package, only 25 cts. Wholesale Rates to Agents very Low, from 100 to 200 per cent. profit made. One hundred packages, with presents of Jewelry and gift of a superb Watch, show bills and sole right for a town or county sent anywhere on receipt of $15. SMART AGENTS sell 100 Packages in a few hours.
We present each person who acts as Agent for us with a Beautiful Gold or Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch, Genuine English Movements, Fall Jewelled, Warranted one year.
Send for our Great New Circular for 1864, containing Extra Premium inducements free.
S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y., Original, Largest and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.
Shults' Onguent.—Warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks or money refunded. Sent, postpaid, for 50 cents. Address C. F. SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.
Its location, function and cultivation. By Rev. H. W. Beecher. Reverence for Age, for Persons and Places—Degrees of Development—Why Deficient in America—Weakness not Wickedness—Politeness—Difference—Forms of Worship—Beauty of Reverence, and how to Cultivate it in Children and Adults.
"Sleeping in Church."—Its Causes and Cure—Sunday Dinners—Ventilating Churches—Duty of the Sexton, etc. Poetry: "He Died for Freedom." etc., in The Illustrated Phrenological Journal for May; 15 cents or $1.50 a year. Address 449-500 FOWLER & WELLS Broadway N. Y.
The Bowen Microscope.
Magnifying 500 times, mailed to any address for 35 cents. Four of different powers for $1.
Address F. B. BOWEN. Box 220, Boston, Mass.
Who Shall it Be?
Agents wanted everywhere. Take your choice and send us $1, and we will send you a New Battle Pin with the Likeness of either General in the army.
Also, for $1, we will send you a Solid Silver Shield (pure coin) or either Army Corps, Division or Co. Pin, with your Name, Regiment and Co. handsomely engraved thereon. And for $1.50 we will send you a new Cavalry, Artillery, or Battery, or Engineer, or Pontonier's Pin, engraved as above.
Also, Headquarters for Watches, Lockets, Chains, Gold Pens and Pencils, Pins, etc., etc.
Send for wholesale illustrated Circular.
S. M. WARD & CO.,
209 Broadway, New York.
Use of Tobacco, in all its forms, Cured and Prevented. Particulars free. Address 449-610 JAS. DAY & SON, New Haven, Conn.
250 Rare Receipts,
17 Superb Electrotype Engravings,
A Book that should be in every family.
Sent free, by mail, for 25 cents.
HUTCHINSON & CO., Publishers, 442 Broadway, N. Y.
Hereafter we will send, postpaid, any of our PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS ordered by soldiers for themselves or friends, giving an Album of the full value of the money sent.
Our Albums have the reputation of being superior to all others in beauty and durability, and range in price from 50 cents to $50. Our Catalogue of
Card Photographs
Now embraces about 5,000 Officers Army and Navy, Statesmen, Actors, copies of Works of Art, &c. Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp.
Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.
Our assortment of these is very extensive, including a great variety of views of the present war. Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
501 Broadway, New York,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials.
A Secret Worth Knowing.—How to make the CELEBRATED WESTERN CIDER without apples or other fruit, in 12 hours. The Recipe sent everywhere for 25 cents. Address
J. S. PARDEE, Binghampton, N. J.
Wards Shirts |
Printed directions for self-measurement, list of prices, and drawings of different styles of shirts and collars sent free everywhere.
Steel Collars
Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn in England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge.
To Military Men and Travellers they are invaluable.
Price 75 cents each; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of 90 cents.
Agents Wanted in every Town in the Union.
S. W. H. WARD,
No. 387 Broadway, New York.
The Human Hand.
Its Physiognomy, Anatomy and Physiology, with all its signs of Character and how to read them. Hands long, slim, short, thick, Right and Left. Significance of Shaking Hands. Is the hand warm and crisp, or cold and clammy? Is it magnetic and electrical, or is it inert and lifeless? Hands of distinguished persons. The "ring finger." What we can do with the hand.
Ethnology.—Skulls of the Races. Egyptian Mummies. Assyrian, Hindoo, Arabs. A Jewish Mummy. Fellahs, Phœnicians, Sioux Indians, etc. Portrait and Character of Mr. E. Merriam, Gen. Butler and Hon. Owen Lovejoy, in May No Illustrated Phrenological Journal. 15 cents, or $1.50 a year. Address
419-500 FOWLER & WELLS, Broadway, N. Y.
The Celebrated CRAIG MICROSCOPE, combining instruction with Amusement, is mailed, prepaid, for $2.25; or with 6 beautiful Mounted Objects for $3; with 24 Objects, $5, by
HENRY CRAIG, Also, he will mail, prepaid, the Bellevue, or Perfected STEREOSCOPE, with a sliding Focus and Field-Piece, accommodating all eyes, for $3; with 12 assorted views $6. A liberal discount to the trade. |
$7 | ARMY WATCH. |
$7 |
A Beautiful Engraved Gold-Plated Watch. Double Core. Lever Cap. Small Size. Enamelled Dish. Cut Hands, "English Movements." and Correct Timekeeper, sent free, by mail, in neat case, with a Beautiful Chain, only $8.
A SILVER WATCH, same as above, single one, by mail, $7. Specially adapted to the Army.
$15 | European Timekeeper | $15 |
or compass watch. |
A SUPERB "EXTRA DOUBLE GOLD-PLATED" engraved or engine-turned Hunting Case Watch—Magic Spring—Genuine English Jewelled or Nickel Movements—"M. J. Tobias."—Independent action—Self-Balance—and has a Neat Miniature COmpass sunk in the cap and attached to the movements—making it a secret Guide for the Soldier or Traveller—a perfect Timekeeper—"Warranted one year," will stand acid, and is a
Perfect Imitation of a $100 Gold Watch used by the British Army Officers.
Sent free, by mail, in Elegant Morocco Case, for only $15.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper of Feb. 20 says of the "European Timekeeper," "It is a novelty here, and an imitation of the celebrated timekeeper so much in use among the British army officers, and is calculated to meet the wants of our soldiers in the field." Illustrated News says, "Correct timepieces, and for beauty and fine finish they are equal in appearance to $100 watches."
Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Importers, 88 and 40 Arn Street, N. Y.
We respectfully invite attention to and consideration of the justly celebrated and reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Debility and Prostration. The Proprietors are proud to acknowledge the unparalleled success with which has attended the sale of their valuable preparation, known in nearly every portion of the civilized world as the
We risk nothing when we term them a valuable preparation, for they are one of the few articles of the present day which are not a humbug; and we are willing and able to satisfy any person or persons who will call upon us, that the celebrated "Golden Bitters" are a genuine bona fide hygenic article. It is the wish of the proprietors that the virtue of the article be tested before condemning. A decision of their merits by any one who has tried them is worth a million of purchased bogus testimonials.
For Creating a Healthy Appetite
they are invaluable, and are unequalled as a Tonic. They are mild in their action, and operate by giving vigor and strength to the system—not by any change they produce in the solids, but through the medium of the living principle.
They are Purely Vegetable,
being composed of Gentian Root, Calamus, Sassafras and many other remedial agents of the Vegetable world, all preserved in Jamaica Rum.
As a Beverage,
they are the most wholesome, invigorating and palatable stimulant ever offered to the public. And the fact of their being prepared chemically and scientifically precludes the possibility of a bitter, unpleasant taste, common to Bitters generally offered for sale. We specially recommend them to Ladies, and particularly to those suffering from
Debility, Weakness and Prostration.
Half a wineglass of these "Bitters" three or four times a day will produce a remarkably healthy change in persons greatly debilitated.
The "Golden Bitters" have been tried and not found wanting. They are put up in our own Patent quart bottles, and for sale by Druggists, Grocers, etc., throughout the world. Each bottle bears a facsimile of the signature of Hubbel & Co.
Sole Proprietors.
CENTRAL DEPOT, American Express Building, New York.
Dyspepsia Tablets.
FOR INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, &c. Don't fail to try them. Manufactured only by
S. G. WELLING, 207 Centre Street.
For sale by all Druggists. Price, 50 cts. per box—by mail, 65 cts.
The Beard. &c.
IN those cases of scanty, retarded growth, where the person is over 18, by its remarkably nourishing and stimulating power, the ⟨Balsam⟩ of the Tennessee Swamp Shrub has been found to excite the Beard, Moustache, &c., to an exceedingly fine and vigorous growth. The history of this Balsam, with a small sample box, will be sent sealed, on receipt of return postage.
JOHN RAWLINS, 815 Broadway, N. Y.
American, Swiss and English Watches in superior styles and quality of cases. Orders from the Trade or Army (large or small) promptly and faithfully attended to. Established 20 years.
T. B. BYNNER, 175 Broadway, N. Y.